Calls for papers publications                                                     




2nd Annual Banking and Finance Management Summer School 2015 (BFM 2015) / August 2015 pdf-icon

3rd Annual Technology Transfer and Innovation Cross-Industry Conference 2015 (TTI-2015) / October 2015  pdf-icon




These guidelines contain only very general information to advise potential submitters of research papers. Therefore, the guidelines may slightly or significantly differ from the requirements for preparing and submitting scientific papers to planning committees of a specific conference. Interested in publications authors are strongly advised be guided primarily by special guidelines available on the relevant conference web pages in the form of html text or pdf

Structure and format of papers:

Submission format can be downloaded on this website.                                              word icon
The volume of paper should be at least 4 pages, but not exceeding 15 pages of А4 format. Articles must be written on English. Papers should be printed in MS Word, Time New Roman font (size 12), with 1.5 interval. Tables and pictures must be handled with MS Word drawing tools and supported by source references. 
Literature references should be placed in the end of paper and represented in required form. Papers should be provided by the following requisites:
• Name of paper; List of keywords
• Summary in the beginning (a maximum of 150 words).
• References in required form 
• At the end of paper author should precisely specify the following: first name and surname; scientific degree; country of citizenship; affiliated with a given author a research or other organization (company); e-mails (main and alternative); phones with codes (office and mobile); the convenient detailed post address, on which author wishes to receive the journal after printing. 
Given publications should have research character and must be based on principles of scientific and a professional etiquette. The papers are subject for peer-review process by editorial and independent experts.

Selection of papers and publication fee:

First, the selected papers will be recommended to publish by the Conference Program Committee. After this, the papers will undergo peer-review process. Only passed the peer-review procedure articles will be included to the Conference proceedings publication.

Accepted article publication fee is set separately for every particular conference publication proceedings. The interested researchers, professionals should read  special sections on conference  webpages or download the available  pdf calls for the conference of interest.

Paper submission deadline:

Deadlines and particular  submission e-mails are set separately for every conference. The general e-mail contact for submision of electronic copies of paper remains as  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it  However, interested persons  must carefully read the available  information on  the specified conference webpages. 



You need send us Note of Interest (NI).

Upon receiving your NI we will contact you to follow up with an event details.